The Book of My Life

The Book of My Life

Life, at times, can be like a good book…full of twists and turns, highs and lows, starts and stops, victories and defeats, heroes and villains…you get the point.  Each season of life can be like a new chapter in the chronicles of your life.

In my life right now I am starting a new chapter.  In so many ways, I don’t want to turn the page.  The last chapter has been so good, so rewarding, so special.  Of course it too had its ups and downs, but it was an amazing chapter of blessings, growth, and mountaintop moments.  The last chapter was full of relationships that will stay with me throughout the rest of the book of my life.  It was full of so many characters in my story who touched me deeply and helped me more than they will ever know.

Starting a new chapter has been scary.  It has been challenging.  It has been full of doubts and fears.  The unknown is like that.  As I look back on the book of my life there have been chapters I couldn’t wait to end and chapters that I wish had never been written.  There have been chapters that were full of pain and chapters full of joy.  In the book of my life there have been chapters I didn’t want to end, chapters I wanted to read over and over (like the last one) and chapters that I would rather have skipped.

But the one constant in my book, the one character that never changes in every chapter is Jesus.  It hasn’t been until recent chapters that I have allowed him to write the story of my life.  For so long the book of my life had been, well, all about me.  I have finally learned that nobody wants to read that book.  BUT, when I allow him to write the book of my life the impact of my life on others can be so much more.  Allowing him to write the pages of my book gives my life meaning and purpose.  It makes my life a book people don’t want to put down and hopefully it is a book that points people to the SOURCE and AUTHOR of life because that is what my life is supposed to be about.

So, Jesus, here is the pen (or keyboard). I am anxious about this new chapter.  I don’t know how it will go, or how it will end, or what will happen along the way.  I feel overwhelmed and in so many ways in over my head…but then again that is when you do your best work.  I pray this chapter is the best yet.



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