“A Group of Americans Saved My Life”

“A Group of Americans Saved My Life”

The phrase “A group of Americans from the church of Christ saved her life” is being heard in the village of Uman in Mexico. The reason why this phrase is being heard is because a two-year-old was brought to the clinic in the village in Uman where the Beltline members were conducting a medical clinic. The two-year-old girl was very sick and needed quick medical attention or she could lose her life. After the child was seen by the doctor from Beltline and the situation was critical, the local preachers were contacted to let them know what was happening. The local brothers from Uman acted and took her to the main hospital in the capital of the Yucatan. The two-year -old was admitted immediately and a feeding tube was placed in. The next hours were critical. Twenty-two hours later we were informed that the little girl was out of danger.

Since the town of Uman is a small town, the news of this incident has spread all around. That is why the people in this town are repeating this phrase mentioned above. The church in Uman is known now, not only because they provided medical care to the population in this village, but because they saved a little girls life. As a result of this, the people in this village are more willing to open their door when the members of the Uman church go and visit. People in the village of Uman know now that what the members of the Uman congregation desire is their wellbeing.

It is hard to wrap our minds around what happened with that little girl in the village of Uman. Some things that are hard to comprehend are:

-How come this group of Americans from Alabama chose this village of Uman to help with a clinic?

-How come a concerned neighbor who lives next door saw how this child was neglected and ill and decided to act and took the little girl to the clinic?

-How come the doctor from Beltline did not just prescribe some vitamins and send her on her way, but inquire about a hospital for the child to be admitted?

-How come the local brothers from Uman did not mind taking the child and her family to the capital of the state and spent many hours fighting all the “red tape” so this little girl could be admitted in the hospital?

Our little human minds may find it difficult to understand how our heavenly Father works. How he plans things and sets things in motion so His will would be done. If we allow God to work in us as his instruments, he can do great things for His glory. We would be amazed at the things that God can do through us.

For the Glory of God, the little two-year-old girl who weighted only fourteen pounds was saved.

For the Glory of God five people have been baptized in Uman and dozens are receiving home bible studies in their homes.

For the Glory of God, the church in Uman is well known now as a church who cares for their neighbors.

For the Glory of God the members of the church in the Yucatan and members of Beltline were able to strengthen their bond s of love, as they work together to serve the people in Uman.

For the Glory of God one little girl will grow up knowing that “a group of Americans from the church of Christ saved her life”

Ephesians 2:8-10 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”.


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