Do You Know Where You Are Going?

Do You Know Where You Are Going?

If you ask the captain of a ship what his next destination is, he will tell you in one sentence. He knows where he is going, how he will get there, and how long it will take. On the other hand, suppose a ship left port without a captain and crew and with no aim or direction, what do you think the chances are that it would reach the desired port?

Which ship represents your life? What do you plan to do in the next year? What do you hope to accomplish in the next five years? What legacy will you leave?

The loudspeaker of the big jet clicked on and the captain’s voice announced in a clear, even tone: “Now there’s no cause for alarm but we felt you should know that for the last three hours we have been flying without the benefit of radio, compass, radar, or navigational beam. This means that we are, in the broad sense of the word, lost and not quite sure in which direction we are heading. However, on the brighter side of the picture, I’m sure you’ll be interested to know that we are making excellent time!”

Many people go through life making excellent time, but they have no idea where they are going.

To be successful, we need a single long-range goal to unify life. Jesus said we needed a single eye (Matthew 6:22-24). Paul wanted the prize at the end of the race (Philippians 3:13-14). Without purpose we fail, but in Jesus Christ we find true purpose. His disciples are destined to live eternally. “This is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life” (1 John 2:25). He is the captain of our salvation, the rudder of our ship. In Him we find direction and purpose. Without Him we are alone and lost.

Do you know where you are going? Is Jesus leading the way? We can never overemphasize the importance and urgency of following Him!

Do you believe that He was God’s only begotten Son (John 8:24)?

Will you repent of your sins and be baptized (Acts 2:38)? Will you make Jesus the Lord of your life and the Savior of your soul?

Only in Him can you find real purpose for living and the promise of life beyond the grave!

-Content by Roger Rush


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