Sermon Archive (Page 66)

Sermon Archive (Page 66)

Complete Sermon Archive

The Power of Together: Part 3: The Gospel of Relationship

What is REAL love? Some people say that it is a fondness for a person, place or thing that makes them happy. Others love because of a perceived benefit. Is that all love is??? It is NOT that love doesn’t come with feelings, but to limit to a feeling is a big mistake! Ephesians 4 & 5… Ephesians 5:21, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 4:3, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit…
Woman with Bible

Safely Home 2020

1 Peter 3:18 Let’s study Luke 5:12-15, about an encounter with Jesus by a man with leprosy. The miracle Jesus is going to accomplish for this man is one of my favorites! It shows Jesus deep love for all of us and points us in the direction of Loving one another! Read with me in Luke 5:12-15. Your encounter with Jesus not only transforms your relationship with yourself, it transforms your relationship with others!“Hopeless Uncleanliness” – Luke 5:12 Lepers were…