Posts from November 2021

Posts from November 2021

The Power of an Invitation

THE EXAMPLE OF JESUS Jesus was an expert in taking the initiative in talking with people. He knew how to talk to people and from there he taught people about their need for salvation. Jesus met people in their own turf and establish a common ground with others. In the book of John chapter 4:7 Jesus asked a woman from Samaria for a drink “will you give me a drink?” In the following verses and till verse 42 we see…


Throughout the Bible, we see thanksgiving for blessings as a theme. The Old Testament resounds with the people praising God; Israel had a history of giving thanks to God for the mercy and deliverance he showed them. In the New Testament we read, Jesus “Then he took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven he gave thanks and broke them” (Luke 9:16). At the Last Supper Jesus took bread and gave thanks, and offered it…

The Seed of the Gospel Continues to be Spread Our the World

OUR GOAL AT BELTLINE One of our main goals in our Hispanic ministry at Beltline is to baptize people and to establish other congregations wherever there is an opportunity. Twenty-four years ago, we started from zero members at Beltline and as of today we have baptized more than five hundred people. God has blessed us with a strong congregation here at Beltline. The Englishspeaking congregation has given us the means and the tools to develop a strong congregation here in…

Mental Incinerator

The whole world is aware of the accumulating mountains of waste and garbage threatening our planet. Air pollution, water pollution, land pollution are all becoming familiar terms. Every major city seems to be having problems with garbage disposal. We must find some way to handle the garbage, or it will finally overwhelm us. The human body, like any well-ordered house, also has its garbage disposal equipment. Every time you expel a lung full of air you are throwing off poisonous…